To continue from the previous post, we’re talking about the God-shaped hole in our hearts.

In that list of favorite authors are two men who have influenced me tremendously. One being John Bevere, and the other being A.W. Tozer. For today, I’m going to delve into statements made by Tozer in order to further develop the truth that, within every man, there is a natural desperation for God. It’s real. It exists. We’ve all felt it at one point or another – it’s the idea that “there must be more than this!”
A.W. Tozer makes the note that in the core of every man is the spirit of man. That’s what makes you distinct. It’s your personality, preferences, and life. He states, “From man’s standpoint the most tragic loss suffered in the Fall was the vacating of the inner sanctum by the Spirit of God.” What does that mean? To put it in basic terms – the relationship…the engagement… was severed.

“At the far-in hidden center of a man’s being is a bush fitted to be the dwelling place of the Triune God. There God planned to rest and glow with moral and spiritual fire. Man, by his sin, forfeited this indescribably wonderful privilege and must now dwell there alone.”
But wait – there is an answer:
“For so intimately private is the place that no creature can intrude; no one can enter but Christ; and He will enter only by the invitation of faith. Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him and he with Me. (Rev 3:20)
What exactly is He saying?
He’s clearly saying that there is a place in the heart of every man that only God can fill. And He longs to inhabit. And he’s making the clear point that God is not a usurper – He will not come where he is not invited… Sin separated us from God, and though Jesus made a way for us to have that relationship restored, He must be invited.
We’ll develop this just a little more in the next post where we talk about HOW we invite engagement with God….
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